Unveiling GHOSTENGINE: A New Threat on the Crypto Mining Landscape

Unveiling GHOSTENGINE: A New Threat on the Crypto Mining Landscape

In an ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, GHOSTENGINE emerges as a new player, employing both cunning and aggressive methods. This intrusion set utilizes multiple malicious modules and exploits vulnerable drivers to disable known security solutions, like Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools, thereby facilitating its crypto mining operations.

GHOSTENGINE's sophisticated operation begins with an innocuous PowerShell script. It proceeds to elevate its privileges, thereby gaining unrestricted access to the system. Upon gaining control, it deploys known vulnerable drivers to disable installed EDR solutions, making it harder for security teams to detect its presence.

The Elastic Security Labs team has meticulously dissected GHOSTENGINE’s operations, from its initial infection, establishment of persistence, installation of a previously undocumented backdoor, to the execution of a crypto-miner. However, the fight against such sophisticated cyber threats is not a solitary task. This is why Elastic Security Labs’ expertise is crucial. The combined expertise of Elastic Security Labs and Sofecta Labs' MDR Team equips our customers with the necessary technology and know-how to guard against threats in today's digital landscape.

How Sofecta Labs MDR Can Help

At Sofecta Labs, our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services are designed to detect, block and respond to threats like GHOSTENGINE. Our team of cybersecurity experts leverage advanced security analytics and threat intelligence to swiftly identify and mitigate threats.

Our MDR service provides a cost effective solution against cyber threats. We conduct 24/7 monitoring of your networks and systems, enabling us to detect any suspicious activities promptly. This includes tracking unusual PowerShell executions, identifying file executions from unusual directories, and detecting the deployment of known vulnerable drivers.

With our MDR service, we can pinpoint unusual activities such as the execution of a PE file (like the Tiworker.exe used by GHOSTENGINE), or the deployment of a known vulnerable driver. By continuously monitoring your systems and networks, we ensure that threats are detected promptly, reducing the window of opportunity for the attacker.

Elastic Endpoints: Tamper-Proof Protection

In addition to our MDR service expert knowledge,  our Elastic XDR solution provides features such as a "agent tamper protection" mechanism. This mechanism ensures that your EDR solutions are not tampered with, disabled, or uninstalled without being noticed by our SOC MDR team.

GHOSTENGINE, like many other threats, attempts to disable security solutions to carry out its operations undetected. Elastic XDR Endpoints is designed to prevent this from happening, ensuring that your EDR tools remain intact and operational. This way, even if an attacker manages to infiltrate your network, their activities will not go unnoticed, and our team can respond promptly to mitigate the threat.

Elastic Endpoints is particularly effective against threats like GHOSTENGINE, which attempts to disable security solutions. By ensuring that your EDR tools remain intact and operational, we reduce the risk of successful attacks and ensure that you stay one step ahead of the attackers.


All IOC observables are also available for download in both ECS and STIX format from Elastic Security Labs blog.

The following observables were used in this blog and Elastic Security Labs blogpost research:

Observable Type Name Reference
2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753 SHA-256 C:\Windows\Fonts\smartsscreen.exe GHOSTENGINE EDR controller module
4b5229b3250c8c08b98cb710d6c056144271de099a57ae09f5d2097fc41bd4f1 SHA-256 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswArPots.sys Avast vulnerable driver
2b33df9aff7cb99a782b252e8eb65ca49874a112986a1c49cd9971210597a8ae SHA-256 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\IObitUnlockers.sys Iobit vulnerable driver
3ced0552b9ecf3dfecd14cbcc3a0d246b10595d5048d7f0d4690e26ecccc1150 SHA-256 C:\Windows\System32\oci.dll Update/Persistence module (64-bit)
3b2724f3350cb5f017db361bd7aae49a8dbc6faa7506de6a4b8992ef3fd9d7ab SHA-256 C:\Windows\System32\oci.dll Update/Persistence module (32-bit)
35eb368c14ad25e3b1c58579ebaeae71bdd8ef7f9ccecfc00474aa066b32a03f SHA-256 C:\Windows\Fonts\taskhostw.exe Miner client
786591953336594473d171e269c3617d7449876993b508daa9b96eedc12ea1ca SHA-256 C:\Windows\Fonts\config.json Miner configuration file
11bd2c9f9e2397c9a16e0990e4ed2cf0679498fe0fd418a3dfdac60b5c160ee5 SHA-256 C:\Windows\Fonts\WinRing0x64.sys Miner driver
aac7f8e174ba66d62620bd07613bac1947f996bb96b9627b42910a1db3d3e22b SHA-256 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\SystemSync\Tiworker.exe Initial stager
6f3e913c93887a58e64da5070d96dc34d3265f456034446be89167584a0b347e SHA-256 backup.png GHOSTENGINE backdoor module
7c242a08ee2dfd5da8a4c6bc86231985e2c26c7b9931ad0b3ea4723e49ceb1c1 SHA-256 get.png GHOSTENGINE loader
cc4384510576131c126db3caca027c5d159d032d33ef90ef30db0daa2a0c4104 SHA-256 kill.png GHOSTENGINE EDR termination module
download.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server
111.90.158[.]40 ipv4-addr C2 server
ftp.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server
93.95.225[.]137 ipv4-addr C2 server
online.yrnvtklot[.]com domain C2 server

By using the observables from the Elastic Security Labs blogpost, our MDR Team was able to quickly create search queries to search for these IOCs in our Customers environments and detect and respond to any potentially malicious activities.


Using Elasticsearch advanced query languagues and hunting capabilities, our MDR team can effectively hunt, or search for, potential bad indicators from our customer environments. By running queries using the observables above, our team can hunt, detect and remediate GHOSTENGINE from our customer networks in minutes.

ESQL query:

FROM *:logs-* | 
WHERE process.hash.sha256 IN ( "2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753",
"d59763c132e8e10bfec84eae8f2b6e383ded95f891dffdbf1ed1ee6561ce989b" ) 
OR file.hash.sha256 IN ("2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753", 
"d59763c132e8e10bfec84eae8f2b6e383ded95f891dffdbf1ed1ee6561ce989b" )
OR IN ("", "", "") OR 
(CIDR_MATCH(source.ip, "") OR CIDR_MATCH(source.ip, "") OR 
CIDR_MATCH(destination.ip, "") OR CIDR_MATCH(destination.ip, ""))

KQL query: 

(process.hash.sha256 : "2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"4b5229b3250c8c08b98cb710d6c056144271de099a57ae09f5d2097fc41bd4f1" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"2b33df9aff7cb99a782b252e8eb65ca49874a112986a1c49cd9971210597a8ae" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"3ced0552b9ecf3dfecd14cbcc3a0d246b10595d5048d7f0d4690e26ecccc1150" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"3b2724f3350cb5f017db361bd7aae49a8dbc6faa7506de6a4b8992ef3fd9d7ab" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"35eb368c14ad25e3b1c58579ebaeae71bdd8ef7f9ccecfc00474aa066b32a03f" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"786591953336594473d171e269c3617d7449876993b508daa9b96eedc12ea1ca" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"11bd2c9f9e2397c9a16e0990e4ed2cf0679498fe0fd418a3dfdac60b5c160ee5" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"aac7f8e174ba66d62620bd07613bac1947f996bb96b9627b42910a1db3d3e22b" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"6f3e913c93887a58e64da5070d96dc34d3265f456034446be89167584a0b347e" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"7c242a08ee2dfd5da8a4c6bc86231985e2c26c7b9931ad0b3ea4723e49ceb1c1" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"cc4384510576131c126db3caca027c5d159d032d33ef90ef30db0daa2a0c4104" OR
process.hash.sha256 :"d59763c132e8e10bfec84eae8f2b6e383ded95f891dffdbf1ed1ee6561ce989b") OR 
(file.hash.sha256 : "2fe78941d74d35f721556697491a438bf3573094d7ac091b42e4f59ecbd25753" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"4b5229b3250c8c08b98cb710d6c056144271de099a57ae09f5d2097fc41bd4f1" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"2b33df9aff7cb99a782b252e8eb65ca49874a112986a1c49cd9971210597a8ae" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"3ced0552b9ecf3dfecd14cbcc3a0d246b10595d5048d7f0d4690e26ecccc1150" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"3b2724f3350cb5f017db361bd7aae49a8dbc6faa7506de6a4b8992ef3fd9d7ab" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"35eb368c14ad25e3b1c58579ebaeae71bdd8ef7f9ccecfc00474aa066b32a03f" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"786591953336594473d171e269c3617d7449876993b508daa9b96eedc12ea1ca" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"11bd2c9f9e2397c9a16e0990e4ed2cf0679498fe0fd418a3dfdac60b5c160ee5" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"aac7f8e174ba66d62620bd07613bac1947f996bb96b9627b42910a1db3d3e22b" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"6f3e913c93887a58e64da5070d96dc34d3265f456034446be89167584a0b347e" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"7c242a08ee2dfd5da8a4c6bc86231985e2c26c7b9931ad0b3ea4723e49ceb1c1" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"cc4384510576131c126db3caca027c5d159d032d33ef90ef30db0daa2a0c4104" OR
file.hash.sha256 :"d59763c132e8e10bfec84eae8f2b6e383ded95f891dffdbf1ed1ee6561ce989b") OR
( : "" OR : "" OR : "") OR
(source.ip : "" OR destination.ip : "" OR
source.ip : "" OR destination.ip : "")

These existing Elastic Endpoint detection rules already detect the different steps in the GHOSTENGINE execution using the following detection rules and behaviour prevention rules: 

Sofecta Labs' Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services are designed to detect, block and respond to threats like GHOSTENGINE. The MDR service involves 24/7 monitoring of client networks and systems, detecting unusual activities, and identifying file executions from suspicious directories. Their team of cybersecurity experts uses advanced security analytics and threat intelligence to identify and mitigate threats quickly.

Moreover, their Elastic XDR solution provides features such as an "agent tamper protection" mechanism, which ensures that the client's EDR solutions are not tampered with, disabled, or uninstalled without the knowledge of the Sofecta Labs' MDR team. This way, if an attacker infiltrates the client's network, their activities will not go unnoticed, and the Sofecta Labs team can respond promptly to mitigate the threat.

Additionally, by using the observables from external resources, like the Elastic Security Labs blogpost, the MDR Team can create search queries to search for these Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) in the client's environments and swiftly hunt for and detect and respond to any potentially malicious activities.


While GHOSTENGINE’s operations may seem daunting, remember that you're not alone in this fight against cyber threats. With Sofecta Labs’ MDR services and Elastic Endpoints’ tamper-proof protection mechanism, you can fortify your defenses, ensuring your digital assets remain secure and your operations uninterrupted.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing battle that requires continuous vigilance to stay ahead. At Sofecta Labs, we're committed to providing you with the best tools and support to protect your systems and data against threats like GHOSTENGINE. As threat actors continue to evolve, so do we. With our expertise and state-of-the-art solutions, you can rest assured that your cybersecurity is in capable hands.


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